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A anon remailer addressing suggestion

I 'm way behind on my cypherpunks mail..  I just hope this hasn't been
recently discussed...

How about implimenting an anonymous remailer where the return address is
some sort of hash to the original id...  maybe based on time or count of
messages from that id, or something...  Thus, two messages sent from the
same person would have "differnt" return addresses...  and you would never
really keep an anonymous id...  it would be constantly changing...  but you
could always be reached, even at your "previous" addresses...  This would
beg for some sort of pseudonym option, in case you wanted a stream of your
messages to appear to come from the same person (granted with diff
addresses).  This could even be taken one step further, to include a small
portion of your original message in any replies... but thats probably  bit
too much...  :-)

crude example:

From:  <Pseudonym> [email protected]
Subject:  An idea         ^^^^ Some weird has to return address

From:  <Pseudonym> [email protected]
Subject:  A second idea   ^^^^ A new hash for a new mail message

Am I just blowing hot air...  or is this a worthwhile idea?

Nick MacDonald              | NMD on IRC
[email protected] | PGP 2.1 Public key available via finger