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Re: Introduction...

I wrote:
: To whoever it was at Ohio who just fingered this account... (whether it's
: one of us or the obligatory NSA mole :-) [oops, no, the NSA mole works out
: of uunet.ca, right?]) - I'll save you the bother - it's not a cunning alias,

What a nosey bunch...  I've had this machine on the net for almost a year
and not been fingered by as many strangers as over the last three days.  Anyway,
here's a little experiment in paranoia...  which of these people *aren't*
cypherpunks...?  I've always wondered if joining a list like this would
bring unwelcome attention...  I've marked the people who I know are on
the cypherpunks list with a *.  If any of the rest of them are 'one of
us', let me know.  By elimination we'll work out where the gummint spies
hide out :) ... (The machines that reject finger requests and telnet VRFYs
are pretty suspicious...)  And I'm also particularly suspicious of the
finger from ohio-state - it *was* someone who reads this list (the svp ID
was created especially for it) but there are *no* ohio-state sites in
the mailing list at all.

If this is considered a waste of the list's bandwidth, flame me privately...
In fact, reply privately whatever you have to say... ([email protected])

Apr 27 20:03:05  finger from serdlc21.essex.ac.uk []
Apr 27 20:03:18  guest    Guest                 p3      Wed 20:00 
Apr 27 20:03:18  millph   P H Mills             p5      Wed 19:44 
Apr 27 20:03:18  guest    Guest                 p6      Wed 20:25 
Apr 27 20:03:18  guest    Guest                 p7      Wed 20:31 

Apr 27 23:10:19  finger from PANAM1.PANAM.EDU []
Apr 27 23:10:44  GMJ2393B Jimenez, George M   20401FE1 FINGER           LTA6549DSCC08/PORT4

Apr 27 23:13:08  finger gtoal from uunet.ca []

Apr 28 19:48:53  finger from [email protected] []
Apr 28 19:49:13  harrip   P Harrington          p2      Thu 19:47 

Apr 29 18:58:05  finger svp from mathserv.mps.ohio-state.edu []
Apr 29 19:32:17  finger from mathserv.mps.ohio-state.edu []

[! denotes no idle time during both fingers]

akos alden aparson baker bkm bloch bogdan cao carlson chohan cthomas!
davis dijen edgar falkner fcarroll fiedorow! forest ggelder! goedde goss
haar hamilton! haradako harmon henri holbrook hpallen huneke jocha
kappeler lguo ling! lingshu march morlet! neumann! nevai ogle overman
patmac! ponomar rld robertso! root siegel singhi! sinha! sinnott stanton
tanveer terman wang

Apr 29 19:38:15 *finger gtoal from [email protected] []
Apr 29 19:38:20  ee92jks  Jonathan K Saville   *p1      Fri 20:03  cc-02.brunel.ac.    

Apr 29 19:44:11  finger svp from seneca.SED.Provo.Novell.COM []
Apr 29 19:45:11  finger gtoal from seneca.SED.Provo.Novell.COM []
               ?*<[email protected] (Myers, Tim)>

Apr 29 23:23:21  finger gtoal from [email protected] []
Apr 29 23:23:27  sck      Sean Koontz          *p1      Fri 13:41 
               =*<[email protected]>

Apr 30 00:01:39  finger gtoal from dent.uchicago.edu []

PS Someone mailed me to ask how I knew if I'd been fingered - it's a combination
of a home-hacked fingerd and the log_tcp wrapper package.