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Digital Cash ftp site...

Somebody recently posted a message with an ftp site with some articles on
digital cash, but I deleted it before I had a chance to get the site name.
Could someone e-mail me or repost the site for these articles?

I am planning on doing an undergraduate thesis this next school year, and
one of my proposed topics may be in the area of digital cash. I'm looking
for more specific topics. Anybody know any problems or potential thesis
topics (I'm a fishin' for topics :) suitable for an undergraduate thesis?

Another area suggested to me has more to do with cryptography and
copyrights. Specifically, encrypting copyright information into some data
which does not need to be a direct copy (like a program or a text file),
but something like an image or sound (song) file (as on DAT or CD)...
The encrypted copyright information would have to be robust, so that
further modification of the data, in efforts to break copyright
information, would still allow for the extraction of the original
copyright info. What sort of work has been done in this area? If anybody
knows of any papers or references to this, could you please e-mail or post


| Oliver Seiler          + Erisian Development Group +  Amiga Developer  +
| [email protected]   +-------------Reality by the Slice--------------+
| [email protected]  |           	  (604) 683-5364                 |
| [email protected]          | POB 3547, MPO, Vancouver, BC, CANADA  V6B 3Y6 |