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> Duncan Frissell <frissell@panix.com> sez:

> I didn't like being called a neo-luddite, however.  I don't see many 
> paralells between extropianism and cypherpunks and Ned Lud.
> Duncan Frissell

This is the cypherpunks list, not the extropians list. The article was about cypherpunks, not extropians, so it's irrelevent whether the extrops are luddites.

As for the c-punks, there's nothing inherently non-luddite about us. Not all of us accept all uses of computers and technology without question. There are certain machines that need to be trashed. I
liked the reference in the article. I don't think it was 100% accurate, but you should be aware that there ARE cypherpunks Luddites lurking out here...
