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Re: Encrypted BBS?
>Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1993 16:11:13 -0700 (PDT)
>From: "Jeremy R. Smith" <jersmit@eis.calstate.edu>
>Subject: Encrypted BBS?
>Message-Id: <Pine.3.07.9307311613.A27337-9100000@eis.calstate.edu>
> Would it be at all possible, given today's present state of
>cryptography, to run a bbs in a totally encrypted form? If so, are there
>any software packages out there that accomplish this at some level?
We did this about 8 years ago at E&S using DEC VMS NOTES. We used a
plain vanilla secret key algorithm and a key shared by all legitimate
members of the group. We could do it today -- but why bother? If you
have a key that widespread, it's effectively certain that a "wrong person"
(however you define him/her) will have a copy of the key.