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BOOK: Differential Cryptanalysis
Just yesterday I saw _Differential Cryptanalysis of the Data
Encryption Standard_ by Biham and Shamir at a local bookstore and
immediately purchased it. It is published by Springer-Verlag (who
also publish Salomaa's _Public Key Cryptography_); ISBN 0-387-97930-1
and 3-540-97930-1.
The book describes the differential cryptanalysis attack, which is
also applicable to "bounded-round versions" of certain other
cryptosystems [what is a "bounded-round version" anyway?]. Phil
Zimmerman is acknowledged in the Preface [could this be the same prz
of PGP?]
I haven't had a chance to read the book - I've just been flipping
around so far, but here are the chapters:
1 Introduction
2 Results
3 Introduction to Differential Cryptanalysis
4 Differential Cryptanalysis of DES Variants
four rounds
six rounds
eight rounds
arbitrary number of rounds
modified variants of DES
DES with independent keys
generalized DES
5 Differential Cryptanalysis of the Full 16-Round DES
6 Differential Cryptanalysis of FEAL
other properties
7 Differential Cryptanalysis of Other Cryptosystems
8 Differential Cryptanalysis of Hash Functions
9 Non-Differential Cryptanalysis of DES with a Small Number of Rounds
Ciphertext Only
Known Plaintext
Statistical Known Plaintext
Appendix A: Description of DES
Appendix B: Difference Distribution Tables of DES
I doesn't look like IDEA, MD4, or MD5 are mentioned.
| Karl L. Barrus |
| elee9sf@menudo.uh.edu | <- preferred address
| barrus@tree.egr.uh.edu (NeXTMail) |