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CFP '94 announcement

There was a huge amount of interest in this last time around, so I'm 
posting this to the list for anyone who hasn't seen it.

p.s. look who's running the `student paper competition'...


From: faigin@aero.org (Daniel P. Faigin)
Newsgroups: comp.security.misc,comp.org.acm
Subject:  Computers Freedom and Privacy 1994
Date: 4 Aug 93 11:31:10
Message-ID: <FAIGIN.93Aug4113110@soldan.aero.org>

                    Conference Announcement 
              Computers, Freedom, and Privacy 1994 
                         23-26 March 1994

     The fourth annual conference, "Computers, Freedom, and
Privacy," (CFP'94) will be held in Chicago, Il., March 23-26, 1994. 
The conference is hosted by The John Marshall Law School; George B.
Trubow, professor of law and director of the Center for Informatics
Law at John Marshall, is general chair of the conference. (E-Mail:
7trubow@jmls.edu). The program is sponsored jointly by these
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Groups:
Communications (SIGCOMM); Computers and Society (SIGCAS); Security,
Audit and Control (SIGSAC).

     The advance of computer and communications technologies holds
great promise for individuals and society.  From conveniences for
consumers and efficiencies in commerce to improved public health
and safety and increased participation in government and community,
these technologies  are fundamentally transforming our environment
and our lives.

     At the same time, these technologies present challenges to the
idea of a free and open society.  Personal privacy is at risk from
invasions by high-tech surveillance and monitoring; a myriad of
personal information data bases expose private life to constant
scrutiny; new forms of illegal activity may threaten the
traditional barriers between citizen and state and present new
tests of Constitutional protection; geographic boundaries of state
and nation may be recast by information exchange that knows no
boundaries in global data networks.

     CFP'94 will present an assemblage of experts, advocates and
interest groups from diverse perspectives and disciplines to
consider freedom and privacy in today's "information society." A
series of pre-conference tutorials will be offered on March 23,
1994, with the conference program beginning on Thursday, March 24,
and running through Saturday, March 26, 1994.

     The Palmer House, a Hilton hotel located in Chicago's "loop,"
and only about a block from The John Marshall Law School, is the
conference headquarters.  Room reservations should be made directly
with the hotel after September 1, 1993, mentioning John Marshall or
"CFP'94" to get the special conference rate of $99.00, plus tax.

                     The Palmer House Hilton
               17 E. Monroe., Chicago, Il., 60603
      Tel: 312-726-7500;  1-800-HILTONS;  Fax 312-263-2556  

Communications regarding the conference should be sent to:
                    The John Marshall Law School
                       315 S. Plymouth Ct.
                     Chicago, IL 60604-3907
(Voice: 312-987-1419; Fax: 312-427-8307; E-mail: CFP94@jmls.edu)


     It is intended that CFP'94 programs will examine the potential
benefits and burdens of new information and communications
technologies and consider ways in which society can enjoy the
benefits while minimizing negative implications. 

     Proposals are requested from those who desire to present an
original paper in a relevant area of technology, policy analysis or
law, or to suggest a program presentation.  Any proposal (1) should
not exceed three typewritten double-spaced pages; (2) must state
the title of the paper or program; (3) briefly describe its theme
and content; and (4) set out the name, address, credentials and
experience of the author or suggested speakers. If a proposed paper
has already been completed a copy should be attached to the


Full time college or graduate students are invited to enter the
student paper competition.  Papers must not exceed 2500 words and
should address the impact of computer and telecommunications
technologies on freedom and privacy in society.  Winners will
receive a scholarship to attend the conference and present their
papers. All papers should be submitted by November 1, 1993 (either
as straight text via e-mail or 6 printed copies) to:

                      Prof. Eugene Spafford
                 Department of Computer Science
                        Purdue University
                  West Lafeyette, IN 47907-2004
         E-Mail: spaf@cs.purdue.edu; Voice: 317-494-7825


Registration information and fee schedules will be announced by
September 1, 1993.  Inquiries regarding registration should be
directed to RoseMarie Knight, Registration Chair, at the JMLS
address above; her voice number is 312-987-1420.

[W]: The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 310/336-8228
[Email]:faigin@aero.org, faigin@acm.org         [Vmail]:310/336-5454 Box#68228
"I have a spelling checker/It came with my PC/It plainly marks four my revue/
Mistakes I cannot sea/I've run this poem threw it/I'm sure your pleased too no/
Its letter perfect in it's weigh/My checker tolled me sew."      Pennye Harper