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Digitized for posterity
They got me. At the DMV. Today. Yuck.
Bought a new (used) car and had to do all that fun stuff -- license,
tags, etc, ad nauseam and decided to get my license updated to reflect my
new mailing address while I'm there. Of course, I expected it, because my
wife had it done to her earlier this year, but seeing the final product
leaves a knot in your throat.
Digitized photographs, in the database of the state. (insert appropriate
parable here)
Ptheewww! At least they were quick about it. Too bad they don't have
dial-in service. ,-)
Paul Ferguson | "Government, even in its best state,
Network Integrator | is but a necessary evil; in its worst
Centreville, Virginia USA | state, an intolerable one."
fergp@sytex.com | - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Type bits/keyID Date User ID
pub 1024/1CC04D 1993/03/15 Paul Ferguson <fergp@sytex.com>
Key fingerprint = EE D2 93 7D 04 6D C6 05 AC 36 AD 9D 8E 4F 41 58