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obtaining Wired article

>The title is "Crypto Rebels."  It was published in the May/June issue of
>WIRED, page 54.  See my reply to L. Detweiler for information on the
>response I got back from them.

Mr. W. K. Russel (a rather transparent neophyte =) posted this to the
list referencing private mail he sent to me, which perhaps he meant to
cc: to the list (it was both to: and cc: me, maybe a mistake). Anyway,
he said the following:


I finally got a note back from Jane Metcalfe (jane@wired.com) saying that
the article text is available on America Online, or you can order that
issue of the mag for $10.

She told me WIRED is available on most newsstands, and at B Dalton,
Waldenbooks, Safeway, and Egghead Software.  I went right down to B Dalton
and bought the current issue.  It's very slick and looked interesting (not
cheap, though--$6.00 an issue).

You can subscribe at $29.95 for 12 issues to subscriptions@wired.com.
