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Re: anonymous contact ser
-=> Quoting Uucp to All <=-
Uu> Apologies for replying on the list....
That's OK with me. This probably answers some questions for a few
others, too.
Uu> Here's why. I can't reply directly to your message, as some gateway on
Uu> the way barfs on the ".." in your name. This seems to come and go.
Uu> This is probably also what screws up anon.penet.fi.
This is extremely interesting! This "problem" was supposedly fixed some
time ago, but this is why I have alternate accounts elsewhere with more
common names. In any event, I will pass this information along to the
proper persons.
> repl: bad addresses:
> "M. Stirner" <M..Stirner@f0.n0.z1.fidonet.org> -- no mailbox in
> local-part (.)
This is yet another problem that was supposedly repaired - it should
read m..stirner@f28.n125.z1.fidonet.org, but a curious glitch in the BBS
reply software that handles conversions of mailings to conferences &
automatic routing of replies periodically enters all zeroes in the "f" &
"n" fields. I will pass this along, also.
Uu> Another problem is that your address keeps changing. Thus you have
Uu> several ID's on anon.penet.fi, some with passwords, some without. Your
Uu> message was from m..stirner@f0.n0.z1.fidonet.org, but in your sinature
Uu> you claim you are also m..stirner@f28.n125.z1.fidonet.org (or
Uu> ...!uunet!kumr!shelter!0!0!M..Stirner).
Yes, the zeros are wrong & were inserted by software out of my control.
I also have different addresses, true enough, but there is no f0.n0.z1
in fido; that address is a software error. I suspect it'll be on this
message, too.
STILL....the problem I have is not addressed: I cannot make a
multi-line header (as in the required "X-Anon-Password: password" line)
work through this UUCP gate, as far as I can tell. I have been
attempting to route my mail to the penet remailer via other cypherpunks
remailers with the syntax:
Request-Remailing-To: anon@anon.penet.fi
From: anXXXXXX@anon.penet.fi
X-Anon-Password: password
X-Anon-To: alt.foolishness
But I am not sure if the cypherpunk remailer's address conflicts with my
From: field or not - I _think_ it does. If so, I cannot use password
header lines unless anon.penet.fi can handle having blank lines between
the header fields:
To: anon@anon.penet.fi
From: anXXXXX@anon.penet.fi
X-Anon-Password: password
X-Anon-To: alt.foolishness
The above header will pass the UUCP gate here. Without the blank lines,
the header gets grunged after the To: anon@anon.penet.fi line.
. Thank you for your personal attention to this vexing problem.
. ~
. M.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
M. Stirner - via FidoNet node 1:125/1
UUCP: ...!uunet!kumr!shelter!0!0!M..Stirner
INTERNET: M..Stirner@f0.n0.z1.FIDONET.ORG