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Re: Solicitation of Tax Evasion--An Example

> Bob (really Jack) sees this, decides to offer a deal, encrypts it with
> her public key (a one-time public key, used just for this deal), and
> used anonymous remailers to post it in place she is sure to see it
> (the same newsgroup, for example, or in one of Miron Cuperman's
> "pools," or in "alt.w.a.s.t.e," etc.). Bob also includes a public key
> she can use to communicate with him.

The problem is, unless you're very careful about distributions and such,
you can easily clog the net with zillions of public-key-encryptions to
alt.security.pgp.messages <grin>.  But then again, I suppose it's not
any more traffic than alt.sex.pictures.erotica.* generates. :)

It would be trivial to write a script to be put in your .login to
automatically skim that newsgroup for anything encrypted with your public
key.  Hmmm...
Ed Carp, N7EKG			erc@apple.com			510/659-9560
If you want magic, let go of your armor.  Magic is so much stronger than
steel!        -- Richard Bach, "The Bridge Across Forever"