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cyberspace & cybercycles donations!
From: an12070@anon.penet.fi
>* it is extremely difficult find sites willing to donate computer
>cycles, space, and management despite that it is rather abundant in the
>world. virtually every cypherpunk idea requires some cycles & space
> ideally a list of volunteering sites could be created and
>individual cypherpunks could contact the sites independently.
Hey, I think this is a great idea. The only problem is that the list
would probably be empty =) I personally have many pet projects that
might see the light of day if they could find the inside of a computer
on the internet. I volunteer to maintain this list. If anyone would
like to donate cycles or space for pet cypherpunk projects such as
digital cash, anonymity servers, archives, etc. please send me your
name and availability and I'll stick it in the list. Unfortunately, the
people most likely to be in charge of these resources are
coincidentally the most paranoid about restricting them and least
likely to hear this--and once they hear the word `cypherpunk' their
mind will slam shut in a nanosecond.
We may be able to get more `outside support' if such a list was posted
into Usenet. In fact, if the list kept track of all the current
projects and the status, it might really encourage volunteers out there
in the world. Maybe the problem is that the list is just too high noise
for important people to pay attention, but that a summary like this
might get results.