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PGP 2.3a

Uh, just a quick and dirty request:
I have a few net.friends who want a copy of this latest version. Where is 
a quick and reliable anon FTP site (no kidding)....

I don't care to upgrade, but I  certainly won'y stand in the way ...

Paul Ferguson               |  "Government, even in its best state,
Network Integrator          |   is but a necessary evil; in its worst
Centreville, Virginia USA   |   state, an intolerable one."
fergp@sytex.com             |      - Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Type bits/keyID   Date       User ID
pub  1024/1CC04D 1993/03/15  Paul Ferguson <fergp@sytex.com>
  Key fingerprint =  EE D2 93 7D 04 6D C6 05  AC 36 AD 9D 8E 4F 41 58