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Re: encrypted anonymous traffic
Hmm. Very interesting. I observe two not completely diametrically opposed
viewpoints here. Consider:
On one hand, there has been a lot of (IMHO government generated) hype
lately about the very real possibility of justice department "legal"
reprisals against individuals running what I consider to be common carrier
messaging services (BBS's, remailers, hosts, etc.) based on the content of
messages passing through those services (porn GIF's, etc).
While it is clear to me that in this environment of obvious government
oppression of expression through terror tactics against common carriers, it
is certainly true that a responsible indvidual in this environment must do
what they think is appropriate to protect themselves from government
harassment. We are not all in situations where we can be arrested and
thrown in jail (even for an appropriate cause) and simply ignore
responsibilities to loved ones and employees (or even customers) who may be
relying on us to provide for them.
Each of us must make an individual choice weather and how much to fight the
oppressive atmosphere by refusing to subscribe to the justice department's
hillarious misreading of the Bill of Rights.
It behooves us all to respect the positions of those who for whatever
reason do not wish to put themselves in further danger by taking the firm
stand that we all know is appropriate against these government hoodlums.
I support and respect the right of any concered operator of a BBS, host or
anonomous remailer to responsibly (and concentually!) refraim from entering
this battle. While it is true that I believe that it does further slightly
damage our cause, it is a necessary evil to support the wishes of others.
It is, of course, necessary, to completely disclose policies like this to
all perspective users (within reason) and it would be most convinient for
those users if an actual policy were developped and published, but I can
see that since we are in a state of controversy about this very issue, any
attempt to define what is or is not appropriate will always be met with
great discontent (probably on both sides :))
Live & Let Live (but INFORM!)
"Just Say KNno!"
<Insert whitty remark here>
--- Ben D. Weiss ---
Internet: LazyLion@Netcom.com
Telephone: (510) 841-5709