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Re: `Stalled' Progress

remail@tamsun.tamu.edu says:
> At  2:36 AM 8/16/93 +0000, an12070@anon.penet.fi wrote:
> >building up all these things on student accounts is
> >commendable but a foundation of quicksand in the long run. 
> Quicksand is fine if you use pontoons. We *are* a guerrilla operation,
> aren't we?

I dunno about you, but I'm mainstream. Privacy is for everyone. The
more we treat ourselves as people doing things that are shady, the
more we will be treated as shady. Nothing we are doing is illegal --
why must we then slink in shadows?

This list includes some of the world's foremost experts in
cryptography, as well as lots of perfectly solid citizens. I say we
wait until we are driven underground to pretend that we are

If we act as though we are shady, we will only make it easier to
repress us.
