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Re: Violent overthrow?

> Myself, I feel that no good can be accomplished by initiating force
> against others, no matter what the cause. Violent revolutions go
> completely against my grain. Any sorts of reforms that will stick are
> going to have to arise peacefully. This is not to say, of course, that
> they will necessarily arise via the "democratic process". The
> government may simply find itself outflanked, for instance. (Imagine
> as an example if the government realized tomorrow that allowing
> citizens to know how to read would be dangerous -- its a little late
> to stop it, so they will never do anything about that.)

I believe it was Jefferson who said, "The tree of liberty must from time to
time be refreshed by the blood of patriots."
Ed Carp, N7EKG			erc@apple.com			510/659-9560
If you want magic, let go of your armor.  Magic is so much stronger than
steel!        -- Richard Bach, "The Bridge Across Forever"