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Re: mail header parser?

> I'm in the process of updating my anonymous server. Up till now, I've relied
> on a really brain-dead parsing of the mail headers. This is good enough
> essentially all of the time; it may even be good enough all of the time (on
> the theory that those addresses it rejects violate de facto standards even if
> they don't violate de jure ones).
> Nonetheless, if there is a simple *and* correct mail header parser (Internet
> and uucp-style), I'd appreciate a pointer to it.
> Ya know, I *hate* testing sometimes. Eventually I want to release this thing
> but I want a test suite to go with it -- and I think the damned suite will be
> bigger than the server!

Uh, I hate to say this, but why not use the one in sendmail or smail?  Of
course, you *could* write your own parser... ;)
Ed Carp, N7EKG			erc@apple.com			510/659-9560
If you want magic, let go of your armor.  Magic is so much stronger than
steel!        -- Richard Bach, "The Bridge Across Forever"