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fergp@sytex.com asks:
>Am I the only one getting carbon copies of many of my own messages
>from someone else's munged account?
Nope. But I received one only, and that a bounce back from
cypherpunks... Seemed to take several days to come back.
>X-Delivery-Notice: SMTP MAIL FROM does not correspond to sender.
>Received: from INDST (SMTP) by indst.INDSTATE.EDU (Mailer R2.08) with BSMTP id
> 4801; Sun, 22 Aug 93 04:04:07 EST
>Received: from nic.cerf.net by indst.indstate.edu (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with
> TCP; Sun, 22 Aug 93 04:04:06 EST
>Received: by nic.cerf.net (4.1/CERFnet-1.0) id AA11147; Sun, 22 Aug 93 02:06:2
>X-Path: cerf!sdcoe!philly!lanleb!lebanon!daemon Sat, 21 Aug 93 23:45
>Received: by sdcoe DHL85510: Sat, 21 Aug 93 23:45 Version 2.2.1 18Aug93
>Date: Fri, 20 Aug 93 11:02 edt
>From: daemon@lebanon.cerf.fred.org (FMF Mailer Version 2.03 19apr93)
>To: xxclark@indst.indstate.edu
>Subject: returned mail
>Message-Id: <DHL85510@sdcoe.cerf.fred.org
>Error: User "dhaise" isn't on lebanon
>----------returned message----------
>From lanleb!philly!sdcoe!toad.com!owner-cypherpunks Wed, 18 Aug 93 02:36
>Received: by lanleb.cerf.fred.org Version 2.02 6apr93
> id DHI00002; Wed, 18 Aug 93 02:36 edt
>Date: Tue, 17 Aug 93 01:24:07 EST
>Ppath: lebanon!dhaise
>From: XXCLARK@indst.indstate.edu
>To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> ...
>----------end of returned message----------
> daemon lebanon 8/22/93