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(CuD) (CuNews) Smart Kard Forum

Does anyone know if these Smart Kards could be available via anonymous
cash transactions, like european telephone cards? 

Would any of these companies be open to ideas?

They don't list any address or references....          strick

------ Source: Computer underground Digest    Sun  Aug 22 1993   Volume 5 : Issue 64 ------

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 12:19:00 BST
From: grmeyer@GENIE.GEIS.COM
Subject: File 4--CuNews  ("Smart Kards," Comp Snooping at IRS/FBI, & more)

Smart Kards Are Coming
A group of corporations, including MasterCard, Visa, Citicorp, Amex,
IBM, AT&T, Microsoft, and Apple, have formed the Smart Card Forum.
The cross-industry group will promote the use of smart-card technology
for payment, transit, health care, identification, and security
(Information Week August 9, 1993 pg 10)