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Crypto Consulting / Employment Opportunities at Microsoft

Posted at CRYPTO '93 in Santa Barbara this week were these two job offers,

CRYPTOGRAPHER -- Advanced Technology and Business Development, Advanced
Consumer Technology Group, reporting to Group Manager, Research Group

Primary responsibilities include the research, analysis, verification,
and recommendation of cryptographic methods; designing and proving new
methods; and working with a development team to implement such
methods.  Candidate should be familiar with authentication techniques,
blind signatures, digital signature and time-stamping techniques,
public key encryption systems, hashing methods, and encryption
standards.  Familiarity with RSA, LUC, DES, minimum knowledge systems,
and Digital Cash/Smart Card technology a plus.  A MS/Phd degree in
Mathematics, with a focus on cryptography, desired.

Do you need a research challenge which results in tangable (sic)
product?  Then Microsoft is the place for you!  Microsoft looking
(sic) to challenge the brightest mathematical minds with the latest
advances in cryptography.  The ideal candidate will be responsible for
the reserach, analysis, verification, and recommendation of
cryptographic standards as well as the design of new standards.
Candidate should be familiar with ...  [repeats itself here]

COMPUTER SECURITY EXPERT -- Advanced Technology and Business Development,
Advanced Consumer Technology Group, reporting to Group Manager.

Primary responsibilities include the reserach, analysis, verification,
and recommendation of computer and communication security techniques;
designing new methods; and working with a development team to
implement such methods.  Some programming responsibilities also will
be assumed.  Qualifications should include a minimum of 5 years
experience with secure transaction systems, data security,
authentication techniques, basic encryption technology, and knowledge
of security standards.  Famililarity with electronics funds transfer
systems (SWIFT, ...), Smart Card technology, C/C++ language, and RSA
encryption a plus.  A BS/MS/Phd degree in Computer Science or related
field preferred.


Lester Waters, +1 206 936 4288, lesterw@microsoft.com
Gideon Yuval, gideony@microsoft.com