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Re: Who is David Sternlight?


David Sternlight is a particulary active, if not universally admired,
poster to sci.crypt et al (including a special fan club news group).

The volume of his posts and their position (often antithetical to positions
taken by cypherpunks) has led some to speculate that he is not an
individual at all, but a group with an agenda.

Some people delight in reading his posts, either because they approve, or
for the same reason I like to read 'Ask Marilyn' in Parade: because they
like to get riled up.  Some people just add him to their 'kill' files. 
There has been debate over adding software moderation to sci.crypt that
automatically redirects David Sternlight posts to a side group.  In any
case, DS (as he is sometimes referred to) is a prominent political feature
of the privacy/cryptography related news groups.

If you really want to know who he is: join sci.crypt; read some of his
posts; and then ask him in e-mail.

If you do send him e-mail -- make sure that if you use an anonymous
remailer of the variety that allows him to respond to you, unlike the one
you used to post this request.

Hope this helps,

Scott Collins         | "Few people realize what tremendous power there
                      |  is in one of these things."     -- Willy Wonka
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