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Re: GOPHER: dealing with postscript

THUS SPAKE Karl Lui Barrus <[email protected]>:
# Also, where is the "Digital Silk Road" paper?  I'd like to put the
# text version in the "Digital Cash" section.  I'd also like to put the
# two reports at cwi up, but those are postscript...

Suggestion:  Put them under a gopher subdirectory named "Postscript
Files" inside the directory they are appropriate to.  Then by default
people see the plaintext files and the "Postscript Files"
subdirectory.  If people are postscript-capable, they can then go down
the next level.

Or append "(Postscript)" to the displayed file name, to make
it clear that way.

As MIME becomes integrated into internet tools and widely
available, this problem will solve itself. "application/postscript"
is already a standard MIME Content-Type.

In the meantime, don't shy away from making information available,
especially if it is in a format as "widely accessible" as postscript is.
