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Can NSA crack PGP?

In a FidoNet debate, it's been charged that PGP is unsafe, and that NSA
can crack it.  The persons holding this viewpoint espouse the idea that
the NSA can crack anything, pretty much, and that anything they could not
crack would not be available to the general public, but would have been

Can anyone disprove this notion definitively?  I'm looking for an
ironclad case that this idea is incorrect. It'd especially be appreciated
if anyone with reasonable "credentials" can respond.  

Even if you do post replies to the list/group, please at least Cc me so I
don't miss them.

SO, let's take this opportunity at online education, and spread the news
that under current technology, PGP is in fact a secure cryptosystem.

Thanks, and let the games begin!

Stanton  McCandlish  mech@eff.org  1:109/1103   EFF  Online  Activist & SysOp
O P E N  P L A T F O R M   C R Y P T O P O L I C Y   O N L I N E  R I G H T S
N  E  T  W  O  R  K  I  N  G      V  I  R  T  U  A  L     C  U  L  T  U  R  E
I   N   F  O :  M   E   M   B   E   R   S   H   I   P  @  E  F  F  .  O  R  G