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Re: holiday

  Here is the secret to understanding everything. It also contains the 
TRUE identity of Dark Unicorn, S.Boxx, and in fact everyone on the list. 
Unfortunately, it is encrypted in an unbelievably complex algorithm based 
on the factoring of infinity. Well, here it is. Crack it if you can!

                        ,*^^^^              ) 
                     _+*                     ^**+_ 
                   +^       _ _++*+_+++_,         ) 
       _+^^*+_    (     ,+*^ ^          \+_        ) 
      {       )  (    ,(    ,_+--+--,      ^)      ^\ 
     { (@)    } f   ,(  ,+-^ __*_*_  ^^\_   ^\       ) 
    {:;-/    (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_    )    )      / 
   ( /  (    (        ,___    ^*+_+* )   <    <      \ 
    U _/     )    *--<  ) ^\-----++__)   )    )       ) 
     (      )  _(^)^^))  )  )\^^^^^))^*+/    /       / 
   (      /  (_))_^)) )  )  ))^^^^^))^^^)__/     +^^ 
  (     ,/    (^))^))  )  ) ))^^^^^^^))^^)       _) 
   *+__+*       (_))^)  ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^ 
   \             \_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^) 
    (_             ^\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^) 
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             ^^^//\\_^^//\\_^       ^(\_\_\_\) 
               ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^