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Mon Dieu!

In re: L. Detweiler

What manner of puling, wretched clericalist is this, this Perverted
Excutioner, driving us bold revolutionaries to distraction?

Verily, I urge you to screen his vileness from yourselves rather than
give him treat; a cur such as he should be cut off, not entertained
by our work of words.

Nor should he or his minions be given entrance to our forum; were this
a public square, (tho I dearly love to ride him forth on a rail) he
could rant as he pleases, but he is fouling our parlor and drives forth
newcomers who have not learned to ignore this stinking, drooling idiot in 
the corner covered in suppurating sores, screaming about conspiracies and
evildoings imagined in madness or opium dreams.

Aye, I would call him out, I would, had I not learned better in years
gone by...

++ Evariste Galois
++ L'Ecole Polytechnique
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