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Re: Oh No! Nazis on the Nets

Duncan Frissell wrote about an article in the London Daily Telegraph on
German neo-nazis:

[stuff deleted]

>Chip belives that 1,500 of Germany's 42,000 Righ-wing extremists use the
>Thule network which, apart from co-ordinating demonstrations, gives out
>information on such matters as how to start your own newspapers or make a
>bomb [Both equally illegal activities in the BRD -- Editor's note].

Yes, read that note again. Who cares about 42,000 right-wing extremists in
a country in which the government is so fascist to make it illegal for
someone to tell you how to start your own paper? And just in case you were
wondering: Germany is considered a democratic country. Now you know where
the US under Clinton is heading.


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