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Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: host not found) (fwd)

	You're eqipped with a hundred billion nueron brain, that's
	wired and fired, and it's a reality generating device, but
	you've got too do it.  Free youself  ----Tim Leary----

	Hehe, well I can give my software to whomever I want too 8)

	Hmm, let's try to keep this from becoming the "This is Your 
Democracy Forum" and generating a "my system of govt is better than 
yours" cause that doesnt really accomplish much.  And besides, we all 
know that no govt is goo govt 8)

	You're eqipped with a hundred billion nueron brain, that's
	wired and fired, and it's a reality generating device, but
	you've got too do it.  Free youself  ----Tim Leary----