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from the mouth of <the FBI>...


Hello all,

This seminar might be of interest. I am going and will post any
pertinent info.


Open to Microsoft employees, vendors, contractors, temps - until we reach room

WHAT:	BROWNBAG SEMINAR Sponsored by ITG WW Network Security
WHEN:	Thursday, 24 FEBRUARY 1994,   12:00 NOON-1:00PM
SPEAKER:  Kevin Brock from the FBI will be our guest.
FORMAT:    Short briefing open to questions.

SUBJ:	-FBI concerns about security of intellectual property.
	-Economic espionage vs Industrial espionage.
	-If Microsoft is a target:
	   Who is collecting information?
	   Where is it being collected?
	   How is it being collected?
	-Responsible self-defense


Ophir Ronen <[email protected]>
KeyID  1024/54FF05 1994/02/16
Key fingerprint =  EA BF 5C 85 F6 C3 A7 8E  AA 48 2A AC B9 BC 4B D2
"did gyre and gimbel yet did not inhale"