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Very funny, Polyanna :-( [namespace pollution]
Grrr. I use a mailer here (that I'm developing) that automatically
encrypts outgoing mail for user X if "<X>" can be found in my
pgp keyring. Unfortunately some comedian has published the
key below...
Type bits/keyID Date User ID
pub 384/99CBA7 1992/11/15 Polyanna, c/o <[email protected]>
1 key(s) examined.
so if I use this mailer when posting to cypherpunks, it gets
encrypted for this idiot. I guess this is something we mailer
writers will just have to allow for. Looks like I'm about
to add a stop-list... (removing it from the keyring won't
be good enough, because next feature planned for my mailer
is to look up the fingerable key-server if it isn't found locally...)