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Bekenstein Bound (was: Crypto and new computing strategies)

The Deutsch paper I quoted before was where I first heard of the Bekenstein
Bound which Eric Hughes mentioned.  According to Deutsch:

"If the theory of the thermodynamics of black holes is trustworthy, no
system enclosed by a surface with an appropriately defined area A can have
more than a finite number

        N(A) = exp(A c^3 / 4 hbar G)

of distinguishable accessible states (hbar is the Planck reduced constant,
G is the gravitational constant, and c is the speed of light.)"

The reference he gives is:

Bekenstein, J.D. 1981 Phys Rev D v23, p287

For those with calculators,  c is approximately 3.00*10^10 cm/s, G is
6.67*10^-8 cm^3/g s^2, and hbar is 1.05*10^-27 g cm^2/s.  N comes out
to be pretty darn big by our standards!
