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Detweiler is Back

The recent flood of "DEATH TO THE XXXX" posting, with my sig block
attached at the bottom (note that sig block NEQ signature), tells us
that Detweiler is back.

My strong suspicion is that he is using "tmp@netcom.com" as his new
posting site, for reasons I will list below. If "tmp" is actually
_not_ Detweiler, my aplogies. But I doubt I'll have to apologize.

1. The appearance of tmp's innocent-appearing question about
"cryptoanarchy" just an hour or so before the "DEATH TO..." postings.
And followups to this issue.

2. "tmp" was also the name Detweiler--or a close facsimile of
Detweiler--was using a few weeks ago to post more of the same. That
"tmp" was at a colorado site, which I don't recall the full name of.

3. However, the latest "tmp" is _also_ at a Colorado site, as "fin" on
my Netcom system shows:

{Netcom:19} fin tmp
Login       Name              TTY Idle    When    Where
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???            qd      Fri 22:49  NETCOM-den1.netc    
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???            uc  <Apr  1 21:25> NETCOM-den1.netc    
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >
tmp             ???                < .  .  .  . >

"den1" is of course the Denver POP (point of presence) of Netcom.

This suggests he is telnetting into Netcom from another machine---a
useful strategy for him, as Netcom will almost certainly take no
action against him. The few entries (2) suggest a relatively new

A full "finger" shows little more.

4. He is also using the TeX-style `quote' symbols (instead of
'these'), previously found to be strongly correlated with Detweiler.

5. In a private message to him, after his first request for
infromation on `cryptoanarchy,' in which I called him "Larry," (which
he denied, but gave no more details), he ended by saying that
cryptoanarchy could be useful for some nice pranks. And he closed with
a "(hee hee)." Need I say more?

I expect to be getting angry, puzzled, curious questions from some of
the folks he mailbombed with this stuff....folks at NBC Nightly News,
"Wired," various newsgroups, and, of course, you folks.

As I mentioned to Eric Hughes and Hugh Daniel in an earlier message
(which theen't even read yet), I'm partly tempted to
just say nothing, 

gotta go...Netcom is being shut down in seconds...

Timothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  
tcmay@netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets, 
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^859433 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."