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REMAIL: standardized remailer syntax
Sameer writes:
> Here's my suggestion..
> Header pasting:
> The '::' header pasting syntax should be available-- i.e. when
>a message comes into a remailer with a body starting with '::' the
>lines following until a blank line are pasted into the header.
> The '##' header pasting syntax-- when a remailer is sending
>out a message, if the body begins with a '##' line then the lines
>following that are pasted into the header of the outgoing message.
> Header commands:
> "Anon-To","Request-Remailing-To": strips headers and sends the
>message to the specified recipient.
Both of my remailers (nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu and
remailer@chaos.bsu.edu) support all of the above as of 4/2/94.
> "Encrypted: PGP": The message has a pgp block encrypted with
>the remailer's key. The remailer will decrypt the pgp block before
>acting furthur upon the message.
Neither of my remailers supports encryption. The bsu-cs one has too
small of a quota and I haven't compiled PGP for the chaos one yet.
I will write more later, but basically what you need to know is this:
1. The bsu remailers no longer paste ANYTHING from a "::" header
into the header of the outbound message.
2. They both support the "##" header pasting syntax now. The "##"
block must come after the "::" block if both are being used or
else the "::" block will be considered part of the body of the
3. They also support multiple recipients. You can place as many
"Request-Remailing-To:" lines in the headers as you wish and
it will individually address and send each one.
4. Full debug logging has been turned on until I can verify that
both remailers are acting as they should. This form of logging
includes a mirror of the message as it is received and a
one-line message listing each recipient.
5. The C source is available via anonymous FTP at:
It should compile as long as you have getopt(). There is no
fancy signal processing in this version. Note that there is
nil documentation. This is not a release.
Apparently my other posting got eaten somewhere between here and
toad... Oh, well!
Chael Hall
nowhere@bsu-cs.bsu.edu 00CCHALL@BSUVC.BSU.EDU
nowhere@chaos.bsu.edu chall@bsu.edu