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Re: How Many Games of Chess?
> >This is tangentially related to crypto. I've been reading A.K. Dewdney's
> >_The New Turning Omnibus_ recently to refresh my memory of all that stuff
> >I learned in undergrad that I'm going to see again on the Comp Sci GRE
> >shortly. :-) Anyway, I was glancing through the chapters on complexity,
> >computabilty, and minimax trees, and I got to wondering something: how
> >many possible games of chess are there? I know that it has to be a finite
> >number, but I'm not sure how to go about finding this number. Any
> >pointers would be appreciated.
> First, I think there are a finite number of games only if all stale-mates
> are are required to terminate.
> Second, here's one way if `just walking the tree` is too boring for you:
> 0 - Start your computer on this while you hop in a starship and circle in
> local space at a significant fraction of C.
> 1 - Generate every legitimate board position (don't forget, pawns may be
> promoted to other pieces) without regard for playing games. A board
> position might be expressed as a 64 digit, base 13 number. More efficient
> representation is probable (and desirable). Plainly the number of board
> positions is something vastly smaller than 13^64 which is 1.96e71 or
> 196053476430761073330659
> 760423566015424403280004
> 115787589590963842248961
> At this time, use two extra bits per state to note the mate condition.
> Additionally, the total number of games must be less than or equal to the
> total number of permutations of every possible board position. Thus the
> total number of possible chess games is something (again vastly) less than
> (13^64)! (i.e., factorial --- sorry, Mathematica found this a little too
> daunting to give me an estimate).
> 2 - Connect nodes with edges representing possible moves. For each
> position, there can be no more than 64 pieces that might move, and for
> each, no more than 63 possible results (including pawn promotion), so the
> maximum number of edges is (13^64)*64*63 or about 7.90e74.
> At this time, or slightly later, use the mate bits to indicate stale-mates.
> 3 - Remove all subgraphs unreachable from the distinguished node that
> represents the starting position.
> 4 - Count the number of distinct paths through the graph that end in a
> mate or a stale-mate.
> 5 - Land your spaceship, collect your answer and find out how much money
> accumulated in your hedge-fund while you were gone.
> Scott Collins | "That's not fair!" -- Sarah
> | "You say that so often. I wonder what your basis
> 408.862.0540 | for comparison is." -- Goblin King
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Seems to me a simpler method would be to start at the end game and work
backward. Start w/ a single piece and it has 64 positions. a game which
ends w/ 2 pieces on the board has 64*63 possible positions, 3 pieces have
64*63*62 possible positions, and so on. The fact is that the end game is what
defines a game of chess and not the infinitude of possible paths between the
first and last move.