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Re: THOUGHT: Internation

At  1:42 PM 04/04/94 -0400, Duncan Frissell wrote:
>To: cypherpunks@toad.com
>T >Yes, the U.N. has quite a fascist declaration of rights. It includes
>T >such chestnuts as a right to a job, a right to shelter, a right to
>T >medical care, and the right of a country to control its press (cf.
>T >the UNESCO fiasco). No thanks.
>Also, the right to two weeks paid vacation a year.
>As a self-employed individual, I want all you UN advocates out there to
>pay for my two-week vacations since I've never had one. <g>

I don't want to start a huge debate on this, I just would like to know if
those who object to this object on grounds of practicality or ideology (in
other words, for example do you object because you don't believe everyone
is *entitled* to a job, or because you think it is idealistic and silly to
write something like this when everyone knows capitalism requires