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Re: wrong place at wrong time...
> From: tmp@netcom.com
> hello, whoever this `detweiler' person is you really seem to hate him.
[note use of scare quotes where ordinary ones would be appropriate]
> consider this-- suppose that i really hate t.c.may (this is just an
[note spaceless initials]
> then again, that's all that mitnick and morris did <g>
[note closing <g>]
If this isn't Detweiler, it's certainly someone trying to look like
him. The quoted message demonstrates some familiarity with his
epistolary style; note also the tmp/TMP `coincidence'. I have to
conclude that the "whoever this `detweiler' person is" opener is
disingenuous (as well as being stylistically similar to an12070's
attempts to distance himself from "his colleague" Detweiler), and that
tmp@netcom.com is probably the Blight itself.
Eli ebrandt@hmc.edu
finger for PGP key.
"I have noticed an interesting overlap between radical libertarians, crypto-
anarchists, psychopunks, and people who promote sodomy." -- L. Detweiler