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Re: Bekenstein Bound (was: Crypto and new computing strategies)

> >
> >You made the assertion in your rebuttal about area -v- volume in relation
> >to black holes and event horizons about the entire universe not being   
> >containable in a volumn, if you accept this premice then you have to accept
> >the premice that the universe is unbouded and hence not containable. This 
> >leads the bounds on the B-equation to be infinitly large number of possible
> >states.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> So what's wrong with that?
> Jay
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am an attorney, seeking a position in the area of Computer Law.  If you
> know of such a position available, or of someone who may know of such a
> position, please send e-mail!  Thanks.

If you accept the universe as unbounded then you have to throw out the Big Bang
and much of conventional physics, including large parts of what you are trying
to prove.