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Re: Remailer Standards (was Economic Assumptions)
Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 5-Apr-94 Remailer Standards (was
Eco.. by Ray@gnu.ai.mit.edu
> Even
> better would be a script which asks you "Mail anonymously?" and if
> answered yes, it would automatically pick a remailer and do the
> nasty stuff.
I was thinking about this for a Mac AMS client I'm working on. The send
mail window currently has check boxes for "Keep Copy" and "Sign Mail".
I'm hoping to add "PGP Encrypy" and "PGP Sign", and eventually "Remail
anonymously..." which would bring up a dialog box to allow you to create
a remailer chain (sort of like the sort command in ClarisWorks or the
interface of Font/DA mover, where there are two lists, one of avalable
remailers, and another which is your remailer chain, and you can
move/add/delete items from the chain list).
Of course... AMS II is in beta or something now, so there isn't much
chance of finishing it before it's obsolete... <sigh>
darklord@cmu.edu | "it's not a matter of rights / it's just a matter of war
finger me for my | don't have a reason to fight / they never had one before"
Geek Code and | -Ministry, "Hero"
PGP public key | http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr25/jbde/