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Ray <rjc@gnu.ai.mit.edu> said:
> Two problems instantly jumped out at me when reading the MIME
> documents:
> 1) more than 2-level encodings are not supported (no recursion)
Why is this a problem? A MIME "Content-Transfer-Encoding" context is
a reversible transformation that is made to permit binary or other
non-email-friendly data to be carried in an email-friendly form. Once
you have performed the encoding once, the result is email-friendly, so
there is usually no need to emcode it again. Note that MIME places no
restrictions on the nesting of multipart messages; it merely requires
that the content-transfer-encoding be applied only at the innermost
levels of the nesting.
> 2) no application/viewpgp or transfer-encoding: pgp type
I have been trying, on and off, for about two years to persuade the PGP
folk to design a suitable MIME interface for PGP, modelled as closely
as reasonable on the ongoing PEM-MIME work. Nobody ever seems to be
interested in that, but several folk have come up with their own ad-hoc
methods. You could come up with your own ad-hoc method, or adopt one
of the others, or design something that is compatible with the PEM-MIME
stuff. If anybody is interested in designing a PGP-MIME encapsulation
that is compatible (or nearly compatible) with PEM-MIME, I volunteer to
--apb (Alan Barrett)