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Re: Bekenstein Bound


Jim choate writes:
> What I am saying as far as QED/QCD is that w/o discussing both then the actions
> of electrons and photons are not quantum mechanical in the sense that they
> require statistical terms to describe their behaviour. Nowhere in Maxwells 
> Equations is there a statistical term. If you know of a hole in the equations
> please let me know of it. I am not aware of any behaviour of electrons/photons
> which are not covered by these equations until hadrons are introduced.

Of course electrons are quantum mechanical.  Ever hear of electron
diffraction?  Jonsson did Young's double-slit experiment with
electrons in 1961.  How about the scanning tunneling microscope?  In
an STM the electrons tunnel from one place to another, which is
clearly not a classical effect.  Maxwell's equations only describe the
electron classically, which is the whole reason why quantum
electrodynamics is required.  Maxwell's equations hold up with the
introduction of relativity, but not quantum mechanics.

- -- 
Dan McGuirk		"This is the revenge of the people who couldn't
djm@asu.edu		 go to Woodstock because they had too much
			 trig homework." --Stuart Baker, NSA General Counsel

Version: 2.3a
