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Remailer Help please?


	I'm hoping you all can help me.  I want to set up a remailer 
here, and was wondering if you had any sugestions on where to get 
software (for a unix based machine) for both Anonymous remailing, and for 
Digital encrpytation.
	I'm VERY new to all this, and desperately need help getting 
started. Any and all help will be apreciated. 

	* Sean M. Gomez      * "The Urge to Destroy is always a       *
	* 97smg@wheatonma.edu* creative one":Freedom=Privacy:Digital  *
	* seangomez@aol.com  * Freedom:The outlaw always Knows the Law*
	* Neuromancer@tmok.uu* better than the cops.:Anonimity is a   *
	* .ids.net.com	     * a virtue in this Day and age. Violence *
	*                    * is a tool of the weak. freedom=action  *
	*****************Peace Y'all.....we out.***********************   