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Re: who, me?!?!
On Wed, 6 Apr 1994 tmp@netcom.com wrote:
> !?!?!?!?! detweiler this, detweiler that!!! why does everyone keep
> calling me `detweiler' when my name is `tmp@netcom.com'?!!
The above listed information is NOT a name.
> look, i admit i am posting pseudonymously, but your
> detweilerian witchhunt is a good reason why
Remember the price of being anonymous... Nobody has to believe a word you
I've sat back and watched my box fill with bullshit for a while now,
and I'm quite bored of hitting the delete key...
I came on to this list after this "Detweiler" person was long gone. I
really have no ideas or impressions of this person. I also have no idea
who you are, but I am aware that there have been some inconsistancies in
your behavior and knowledge.
1) You claim to be a reent arrival to this list, yet post messages
that are inflamitory, and refer to topics that traversed the net
before your arrival.
2) In a recent post, you used the term "detweilering". Funny, but
that term has never been posted in any public messages to you,
yet was a common term...
3) In one message you use the phrase "Whoever this Detweiler person is",
and then go on in the message to speak about his MO, which you, as
a new list member, wouldn't know...
4) In a recent message you made a pun of testical/tentical... Before
your time, if you weren't lying about being new...
Personally, I don't care who you are. I do think you try to be an
asshole, and you love getting on people's nerves.
You have earned this flack. Enjoy it.