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RE: who, me?!?!

From:  <netmail!tmp@netcom.com>

!?!?!?!?! detweiler this, detweiler that!!! why does everyone keep
calling me `detweiler' when my name is `tmp@netcom.com'?!!

i am just a good cyberspatial citizen trying to build up
reputation under a new name, and it doesn't help that just because i
i use the word `detweiler', you throw me in your kill files.

If tmp@netcom.com is what you say & think you are, then I say that is 
what you must be, and how you should be considered.

If you are trying to build up a reputation under a new name on this 
list, I should think it would be best to post only upon those subjects 
which are relevant and pertinent to the interests of those who 
subscribe to it, without continuing to draw attention to, focus upon, 
and emphasize the inappropriate associations to the inimitable 
detweiler and the impressions which his personality has made upon 
everyone in the past.

If you are not so ignorant after all and have serious contributions to 
the subjects which are of mutual interest to others on the list besides 
T.C. May, Eric Hughes, and Perry Metzger, surely you could present your 
thoughts&ideas so that everyone who reads the message could think that 
it was also relevant to them as well, addressing the subjects at hand 
without implications to the that trio of personalities on your list.

Since you have read the FAQs on the cypherpunks and have been on the 
list awhile, you must be familiar with the philosophical stands taken 
on a number of subjects, and therefore what kind of responses you might 
expect from a particular attitude/discussion on any of them.

Surely if you post in a civilized, serious manner on subjects which are 
important to yourself which could also appeal to others, you could 
leave the image of detweiler behind and move on to other, more 
important subjects.  It is true that your recent postings have not 
brought out the best in everyone, what with the spitting, cursing, and 
identification with private body parts .

I do think, however, that if you were to converse on a higher, more 
rarified intellectual level, everyone would settle down, ignore the 
unfortunate association with L.D., and forget the misconception they 
have of your pseudonymous personhood.
