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Dave Emory lecture Saturday, Bay Area
Proposal: Dave Emory, radio broadcaster, will be speaking Saturday
night. Details below. I suggest some of us meet there after the
physical meeting of the Cyperpunks in Mountain View.
Eric Hughes wrote, quoting Detweiler:
> >also, i very sincerely doubt that money laundering is a major,
> >minor, or even existing part of any u.s. intelligence services.
> _Cocaine Politics_, by Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall.
> Read up.
> Eric
Indeed. Many fine books cover this area. Another is "The Politics of
Heroin in Southeast Asia," by Alfred McCoy. In fact, there are so many
citations to support the links mentioned that I hardly know where to
Coincidentally, my favorite radio commentator, Dave Emory, will give a
3-hour lecture on "Drugs and Fascism" (or a similar title) on Saturday
evening, 7-10 p.m., at Foothill Community College, Room F-12. Foothill
is in Los Altos Hills, visible from Highway 280. I believe the cost
will be $10.
I've seen Dave speak twice before, on other topics. He can speak for
hours without notes and with captivating presentation. Whether you
agree with all his points or not, this three hours will surely be
enjoyable and may even change your outlook on things.
Dave has a radio talk show on Sunday nights from 7-11 p.m., on KFJC,
89.7. Some of this is rebroadcast Monday night, 9-10:30 on KKUP, 91.5.
I can't get the KFJC broadcast here in Santa Cruz, but I religiously
listen to the KKUP broadcast on Monday nights.
I understand that radio stations around the country, at least a
handful of them, rebroadcast his tapes.
His theme is the national security state, the role of the State in
suppressing freedom, the various "conspiracies" of Inslaw, Casolaro,
P-2, Gehlen, NSA, Contras, Cabazon, Nazis, etc. (If these words mean
something to you, then you know what Dave talks about. If these words
mean nothing to you, then you owe it to yourself to at least spend a
few hours listening.)
Dave is generally left of center, but I find him refreshing and
tolerable. He even supports gun rights....and wears an "NRA" cap to
his talks! ("To freak out the politically correct," he once quipped.)
I've called in to his radio show a couple of time and have updated him
and his audience on the Clipper chip, the links between the NSA and
the Witness Security Program, the murder of several NSA employees
because of their ties to journalist Danny Casolaro, and the general
threat of the surveillance state. Emory was very knoweldgeable about
the NSA and plans to do more on it in the future.
I plan to attend this lecture after the physical Cypherpunks meeting
in Mountain View on this coming Saturday. I suggest we make it an
"outing." (If $10 is too much, scrimp on dinner that evening and
instead go to the lecture.)
(Sometime schedules for such things change. If anyone has heard of any
cancellations, or can confirm the date, place, and lecture title,
please mail me, or post here.)
Hope to see you there!
--Tim May
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
tcmay@netcom.com | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409 | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^859433 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.
"National borders are just speed bumps on the information superhighway."