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1984 NSA T-Shirt Available!

I've come up with a design for the 1984 NSA t-shirt idea which I am 
finally happy with.  To check it out, fire up Mosaic and jump to:


The design is approximately:

"We're Behind Schedule"
National Security Agency

The text is EuroStyle, a very imposing, modern looking sans serif font.  
The eye will be printed in a coarse grained half-tone, which should 
silk-screen pretty well.

The back is the Cyber Rights Now! Logo from Wired Magazine.

I think it will look best in white ink on a dark color shirt, like black, 
dark blue, maroon, or dark green.  I like black best, but that's just 
me.  I will check with the t-shirt printers about flexibility with colors.

I figure I'll be asking $15 for the shirt, same as the Cypherpunk 
Criminal shirt.  I welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions.

If anybody knows the name, and preferably, address, of the guy from the 
NSA who inspired the design at CFP, could you pass it my way?  I've 
forgotten his name.  I would like to thank him, and send him one free of 

If you don't have access to a mosaic client, e-mail me and I'll mail you 
a uuencoded gif.


John Blair: <jdblair@nextsrv.cas.muohio.edu>         voice: (513) 529-4877
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