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Re: NSA Security Manual
On Fri, 8 Apr 1994, Black Unicorn wrote:
> You realize, of course, that by posting the manual verbatim you have allowed
> them to discover where the leak was. They have the ability to change the
> wording slightly on every document, so that when you quote the document they
> can discover who gave it to you. That is why newspapers no longer report
> quotes from documents that they have, or never show pictures of secret
> documents. Then again, for something as simple as a manual, they may not
> bother to change each one. But the capability exists.
Could someone e-mail the manual to me. I accidentally deleted the posting
of it.
| Al Billings aka Grendel Grettisson | Internet: mimir@illuminati.io.com |
| Nerd-Alberich - Lord of the Nerd-Alfar | Sysop of The Sacred Grove |
| Admin for Troth, the Asatru E-mail List| (206)322-5450 |