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Re: Shot 'Round the World

At  6:21 AM 4/9/94 -0700, Jeff Davis wrote:

>*** Here's the follow up ***
>To whom it may concern,
>You have been emailed an authentic National Security Agency Employee's
>Manual.  I as an Electronic Frontier Foundation member, acting purely
>on my own initiative, and solely accountable for my actions, have emailed
>this information, as well as John Gilmore's FOIA attack on the current
>Clipper Chip proposal for key escrowed encryption, to every media source
>with an email adress listed in EFF's _Big_Dummies_Guide_to_the_Internet_
>on the entire planet.
>You may authenicate the NSA manual via confirmation by the phone numbers
>listed in it.  Consider this the shot heard round the world in the
>Electronic Revolution.

Well, this certainly helped the "cause."  If I were a media person
recieving this mail, I'd get a good laugh, then hit delete.

I don't see anything nifty, wonderful, or unusual in the manual.  I've held
a Secret clearance doing work as a Defense contractor, and the requirements
aren't abnormal.  They're stricter, but given that the clearance level is
higher and it's in the intelligence community, it's not unusual.  I would
seriously doubt the manual is of much interest to the media.

If you want to help, mail the media about privacy, and what Clipper is
going to do to it.  This kind of mail just makes the online community look
like fanatical crackpots.

(I'm an EFF member as well.  What does that have to do with your message?)

Bob Snyder N2KGO                                     MIME, RIPEM mail accepted
snyderra@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu                       finger for RIPEM public key
         When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.