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T-Shirt Shipping Status
Most of the shirts have shipped, with the exception of orders containing
sizes over XXL. There was a probably with the larger sizes, which has
been resolved. Those orders (the last remaining) will be shipped out
sometime this week.
I apologize for any delays, and the time it took to get this together. It
turned out to be a bigger project than originally anticipated. It's too
bad I can script a packaging algorithm to handle this, but that's
real-life for you. :)
If anyone has any questions, comments, gripes, flames, etc, mail me.
Christian Void /T71 | "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I | V/M/Research, Inc.
cvoid@netcom.com | ever had anything to do with it." | P.O. Box 170213
Tel. 1+415-998-0774 | -Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) | SF, CA 94117-0213
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