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Cyber PsyOps (Re: Shot)
From: Blanc Weber <blancw@microsoft.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 94 20:17:28 PDT
>included "Life, liberty, Pursuit of Happiness", and what do you suppose
>George thought about that?
>Some questions I would ask in regard to this warfare business:
>What sort of a win would you be aiming for, which served the purposes
>of rational discussion poorly? For how long would you be expecting to
live in the company of those whom you drove to irrationality? And how
>would you go about the business of returning everything back to a
Psychological Warfare is the only way to compete with the NSA on this
issue. This is how they are manipulating the Clinton Administration, and
the population with propagandic undue infuluence. Power is only aquired
by the fact that the population gives the NSA power via credibility. They
are the NSA, ergo, they must know what they are talking about. The Clinton
Administration has been similarly duped.
Second question. Of the consensual normalities of society, Fredrich Perls
said, "You can choose to participate in the collective psychosis, or dare
to be yourself, and possibly be crucified." I'm in the business of raising
the population's awareness, as is EFF. Perls also said, "Awareness of
itself, is curative."
Provisions for the survival of tribal anarchy- a pure democracy- were written
into the Constitution by Thomas Jefferson, if one is to give weight to
progressive theory. An aware, informed, and actively participating population
is my aim, not "driven to irrationality" as Blanc state above.
The internet, in its present state is a belevolent anarchy, with guidlines of
courtesy extended to the new participants by the older experienced participants.Some of us are experienced and quite comfortable functioning in an anarchic
environment. As the hordes come, we are already preparing the way for them.
Kapor talked about the public outcry that would be percipitated by shutting
down the internet. We've talked about strength in numbers. We can trust the
innate herd instinct of humankind to self regulate and organize itself with
in this new paradigm of confluence.
Psychological Warfare is duofold. It harrases the enemy, and hopefully wins
the hearts and minds of the population. I suggest Blanc not throw the baby
out with the bath water.
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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