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Re: Cyber PsyOps
Black Unicorn sez..
>What you seem to be looking for is change NOW.
>THIS SECOND. If this is your time table, I hope you like bloodshed.
Change is happening now. This is not something an individual can instigate,
it just happens in predictible cycles. I'm just spitting in the ocean with
my $0.02. I am committed to the letter and the spirit of the Constitution
of the United States of America. Maybe Marbury v. Madison (1803) was a
fuck up. Reversing that decision is a plank of the Libertarian platform.
The Constitution has provided amending provisions, and we can always rectify
the errors of shortsightedness.
Article XXI
Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the
United States is hereby repealed.
I opperate under the ASSUMTION that anything I release publicly, (email
post cards included), is available to the intelligence community. Here's
a little personal Hx for you and cypherpunks. I find it rather Pynchonesque.
Between a high school friend of mine, Peter Anthony Zellner, and I, we have
3 Social Security #'s. Two of them are consecutive and are mine. The US
Navy spent a years worth of investigation, (NIS), to find out why Pete's SS#
didn't work. He was given an "N" designation for Navy until they got it
straightened out.
My mother has testified under oath in a court of law she signed my elistment
papers when I was 17. When I was 18, my draft classification was 1-H.
On 18 February 1983, an Air Force Lt Col stopped by my place in Denver on
his way to a conference at Keystone that became SDI. I refused a mission
and was cashiered on the spot. End of story.
I can offer circumstantial evidence and personal corraboration that the above
is true. FOIA is useless. I always draw a blank- (which is indicative of
an active file). In the Fall of 1984, at the bequest of Robert Bragg, Petty
Officer 1st Class, NIS ran a check on me. The reason is because FTS clearances
are "Q" clearances, and I gave Bragg the proper cue. Bragg informed me that
NIS considered me questionble.
There are a lot of very bright people doing some important work on this list
that is far beyond my technical expertise. I don't have to write it, however,
just learn how to use it. I offer mainly social philosophy and social activism.In consideration of this, I have no intentions of disscussing the above any
One may believe it, or disbelieve it. I don't care. If one tends toward
disbelief, I'm sure the above will be used in an attempt to discredit me.
If my personality and activism is disruptive to cypherpunks, I can always
shut up and just read the damn thing. I have no intention of becoming
involved in a Detweilerian flame war.
Especially with Black Unicorn. I'm trained to determine potential harm of
a classified leak. I can tell by Unicorn's response that he is informed to
an extent, yet has a limited paradigm of intelligence access by which he/she
makes his/her judgements.
Carry on cypherpunks. If rebuttal to my statements cloggs the group, I will
do all I can to minimize it. I can always sit here and read the damn thing.
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger! JAFEFFM Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com email info@eff.org *
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