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NBC News Tomorrow

Brokaw's producer just interviewed me via email and will call in the AM.
Good night to watch NBC News tomorrow.  The woman in LA I talked to 
tonight got a hell of an education.  When she thanked me for it, I told
her it was part of my job to educate as an EFF member, and I credited
cypherpunks with a lot of my education.

Don't give up yet.  When the American public finds out they got fucked
out of their right to privacy 4 Feburary and nobody even bothered to 
ask them about it, I think they're going to be really PISSED. 
PGP PUBLIC KEY via finger!  JAFEFFM  Speaking & Thinking For Myself!
* eagle@deeptht.armory.com			email info@eff.org *
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